Customer Testimonials

Alter ego for women works miraculously. I cannot tell you to what magnitude. It has opened a lot of doors even for love. I also enjoy the Eros scent for women as well. Both are neck and neck. I would prefer having these 2 more than anything else. There are other fragrances that I enjoy too but these 2 are by far my favorite. I need extra samples of these ongoing..Love it
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
Astonished at how quickly these pheromones register an effect. How quickly do the molecules travel, and what is typical human reaction time to them? When they work, it seems instantaneous to me.
Edge is the BEST!!
Francis De La
Francis De La is a reputable and wonderful company. They are very prompt at shipping the items you order and I can say that their products work! Bruce is a hands on owner and is always offering significant specials and discounts. I highly recommend this company.
don north
don north
First off, thanks Bruce. I've been ordering for at least ten years, since I lived in Ontario, Canada. I only had one problem with shipping, and the product was resent right away. So..............for most of those ten years I mixed my own with the science pack, the 4 pheromone sets. Lately I've been mixing Alpha 7 and the Liquid Trust. About 1/4 7, 1/4 LT and the rest Stetson cologne. And it has been good. What I've found better, quite a bit so, is those ratios mixed with John Varvatos (from Amazon, very reasonable). Today I got the name and number and a calamari date from a big tall busty redhead waitress. Now, you got to realize, I'm much shorter than her, quite a bit older, and am in Williston ND, oil boom town, where the women give out fake names (in fact one of the first things she did was admit she was giving me her real name as she sat at my table in a coffee bar where she was the hostess) - most women don't date guys in this town. I'm sure you have heard the stories. So my vote is on the JV with that mixture - though on my reorder I've going to dump a bottle of A7 and a bottle of LT into a two ounce spray bottle and fill the rest with JV. That will dilute it quite a bit but I can afford to spray more on and see how that works. And oh yes, I also have a young (22 ish?) cute young black girl at the man camp I am in interesting in going to the movies with me. The pheromones or just charm? I dunno. She has an incredible body on her, great smile, and I'll enjoy being an older gentleman showing her what a gentleman is like compared to the "guys" she may know. Say la vie.
Michelle Higgins
Michelle Higgins
im a very satisfied customer and happy to find out this website was NOT a scam its the real deal ♥peace to all∞
I admit I was skeptical. I used your product & deff got attention. When I wear your product, I feel so much more confident. I WILL purchase products again.
peggy boismenue
peggy boismenue
I have been ordering for a few year's now & I absolutely love the mojo pro for women. It has worked very well for me & the scent is very nice.
S Pasha
S Pasha
I've used dozens of Love-Scent products and am always blown away at just how blatantly effective their pheromone products are. I am a huge fan of NPA (New Pheromone Additive), Mojo Pro and Alpha 7... women just seem to go wild after just a short time together. I never actually believed in pheromones until I started seeing how men and women reacted to me afterwards. I would recommend anyone try them and if it doesn't work, just ask for a refund (no risks!). Read my reviews on NPA and other products at
I have been ordering from Love Scent for close to two years. Always fast service I have tried some of their different products. I think my Favorite is Edge. I get very favorable responses when I wear Edge. On a recent order of multiple items one item was not the item I ordered. I cannot believe how quickly painlessly they corrected the order. Talk about Outstanding Customer Service. WOWThey definitely have a customer for life.
Bruce First and foremost thank you for your prompt service I used the alpha-7 and the scent of Eros combination and the results were amazing I had women from their mid 20s to upper 40s engaging in conversation along with sexual innuendoes and etc.. : It has been non stop. Time for a re-order.. I may try something with more androstene this round. For a first timer I say to all the folks out there.. This stuff works Jim
Thanks Allot for taking care of that so quick....Merry Christmas :-) Cheers Scott


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